Torino ScriptLab is focused on fiction feature films, both original ideas and adaptations, in early stages of development. Both experienced and emerging filmmakers from all over the world develop their projects through peer-to-peer group work, with the support of professional script consultants and story editor trainee's for the duration of nine months. The work is structured within 3 residential modules, plus 2 online modules. 
tutor & script consultant · Françoise von Roy
story editor
Sarieke Hoeksma
· Angelo Tijssens
· Anke Blondé
 · A Private View
When two successful businessmen from West-Flanders, who are at the peak of their professional and public careers, learn that national and international media outlets are about to reveal their fraudulent business structures to the public. There only remains one rainy Sunday to come clean with themselves and each other. Along the way they lose everything, before ending up together inside a lavatory, dirty, and without shoes, power or freedom.
The Quiet Migration
· Malene Choi Jensen
Producer · Manna Film
Carl, 19, lives a quiet life in the Danish countryside with his adoptive parents, who expect him to take over the family farm one day, continuing their traditions. But Carl begins to feel the pull of two worlds – “home” plus his native homeland, South Korea – and the day is fast approaching when he will have to choose. (world premiere Berlinale, Winner FIPRESCI Prize)
The Permanent Picture
· Laura Ferrés
Producer · Fasten Film
In rural southern Spain, Antonia, a teenage mother, disappears in the middle of the night. Fifty years later and much further north, Carmen, an introverted casting director, is looking for people to share their memories when arriving in a new city. In her search, she meets Antonia, whose impulsiveness intrudes into Carmen’s solitude. Who said time heals all wounds? (world premiere Locarno IFF)
· Dominik Locher, Lisa Brühlmann
Producer · maximage
When a mistreated maid fights back with poison, her employer makes her an offer she cannot refuse.